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Il Fatto Quotidiano writes about Kafala Lebanon

October 10, 2020 | Italian

REPORTAGE - Mariema, orfana di 24 anni, ha lasciato la Sierra Leone con un biglietto di sola andata per Beirut. Come lei altre 250mila ragazze arrivano da Africa e sud-est asiatico in Libano e altri Paesi arabi per prestare servizio presso famiglie facoltose. A loro viene ritirato passaporto e cellulare, subito. Non godranno di nessun diritto, né di nessuna protezione. È il sistema della “Kalafa”, fatto di soprusi e abusi, quello che ha vissuto Mariema. Che ora non riesce quasi più a muoversi e a vedere

The961 Articles About This Is Lebanon and Kafala

October 9, 2020 | English

Like many migrant domestic workers before them, women from Sierra Leone have been trapped in Lebanon, stranded, unemployed, and unable to return home.

Reuters writes about kafala

October 8, 2020 | English

The Beirut blast, years of economic problems and now COVID-19 have driven many migrant workers to despair

Beirut today writes about kafala

October 8, 2020 | English

AlModon writes about Kafala Lebanon

October 8, 2020 | Arabic

"وقالت العاملة ميزيريت، التي باتت في إثيوبيا اليوم، أنها كلما كانت تطالب براتبها الشهري كان مستخدمها ينهال عليها بالضرب. وأعلنت الحركة القانونية الدولية أنها تقدمت بدعوى إلى محكمة الجنايات اللبنانية، موكلة عن ميزيريت، اليوم الخميس في 8 تشرين الأول، بدعوى خضوعها للعبودية وتهمة اتجار بالبشر، والتعذيب، والتمييز العنصري. وطلبت الجمعية من المحكمة محاسبة وكالة مكتب الاستقدام بهذه الجرائم السابقة."

SRF writes about Kafala Lebanon

October 8, 2020 | German

Hunderttausende Afrikanerinnen arbeiten im Nahen Osten als Hausangestellte – oft in sklavenartigen Verhältnissen.

October 7, 2020 | English

#Unite_for_peace_in_lebanon Lebanon explosion, the economic crisis and outbreak of #Coronavirus intensify the suffering of migrant workers in Lebanon.

AJ+ writes about Kafala Lebanon

October 6, 2020 | English

Domestic Workers abandoned in the street.

The New Arab Writes About Kafala

October 6, 2020 | English

In-depth: Lebanon's new labour agreement gives foreign domestic workers their basic rights, but activists remain cynical over its implementation.

BBC writes about Kafala Lebanon

October 5, 2020 | English

Two women talk to Kim Chakanetsa about their anti-racism campaigns in Lebanon and Netherlands and the emotional toll of speaking out.


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