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Business & Human Rights Resource Center writes about Kafala Lebanon

September 21, 2020 | English

A new work contract in #Lebanon which allows migrant domestic workers to resign & keep hold of their own passport could be a step towards ending the kafala system. Activists say the exploitative system remains in place & labour law reform is needed

Pledge Times writes about Kafala Lebanon

September 21, 2020 | English

Most often it is women from Africa or Asia who came to Lebanon to be domestic workers or babysitters in private homes. There are nearly 200,000 and for years, NGOs have denounced the abuses of many employers: confiscated passports, miserable or non-existent wages, physical or moral violence, because some are housed in lamentable conditions, or do not have the right to go out. No day off, no paid vacation either.

Kuwait 24 Hours writes about Kafala Lebanon

September 19, 2020 | English

BEIRUT: Lebanon has approved a new work contract allowing foreign domestic workers to resign and keep hold of their own passport, but activists say the exploitative “kafala” system remains in place. The economic crisis-hit Mediterranean country is home to around 250,000 migrants, mostly women from Africa and Asia, who toil away in people’s homes as housekeepers, carers or nannies.

September 18, 2020 | English

Good news from Lebanon: new contract for migrant domestic workers is a step in the right direction toward protecting their rights and abolishing the abusive kafala system. And if it is accompanied by a stringent enforcement mechanism.

The961 Articles About This Is Lebanon and Kafala

September 18, 2020 | English

The plight of dozens of migrant workers stranded in Lebanon has finally come to an end when two flights took them, respectively on Thursday and on Friday. safely back to their home country.

the daily star writes about domestic workers

September 18, 2020 | English

BEIRUT: Fourty-eight stranded migrants in Lebanon returned to their countries of origin over the last two days, the International Organization for Migration said Friday.

Freedom United writes about kafala

September 17, 2020 | English

A new work contract allowing foreign domestic workers to resign while keeping their passport has brought Lebanon a step closer to the end of the exploitative kafala system, but campaigners have been wary of undue celebration.

Brookings writes about Kafala Lebanon

September 17, 2020 | English

The pandemic underlined flawed labor migration systems with myriad avenues for abuse. The most notorious is the “ kafala ” sponsorship system in the GCC, Lebanon, and Jordan.

The Star Online writes about Kafala Lebanon

September 17, 2020 | English

Lebanon has approved a new work contract that gives foreign domestic workers the rights to keep their passport and resign, but activists say much more remains to be done to end abuses.

Yahoo sports writes about Kafala Lebanon

September 16, 2020 | English

Why is Qatar still getting to a host a World Cup? Why, after all that has happened, after all that is still happening, is there no momentum to strip the tiny petrostate of the privilege to put on the 2022 FIFA World Cup?


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