Help the helping hands

Today is #InternationalMigrantsDay and an opportunity to remember the hundreds of thousands of "helping hands" for Lebanese families for whom 2020 was very challenging as well. Read Ralph Tarraf's (Ambassador of the European Union to Lebanon) op-ed in the @DailyStarLeb

There is a lot we have in common as human beings. Everyone enjoys the feeling of returning to a clean home. We also want to make sure our children are safe and elderly parents and any sick people in the family are well cared for.

Among the 400,000 migrant workers in Lebanon, the majority performs domestic work, a huge number of “helping hands” compared to other countries. These helpers contribute to the family life through the good and the difficult times and in doing so to Lebanon itself. Today is International Migrants Day and an opportunity to remember this.

English | December 18, 2020



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